So, how much you decide to consume is up to you, but it does not have to be drastic.

Being in a calorie deficit does not have to be painful and awful! All it means is that you consume less than you burn, so, if you burn 2100 calories a day, and you consume 1900 calories then you will lose weight. When people hear the term ‘calorie deficit’, people can wrongly assume this means starving and depriving themselves of all yummy foods. This is the perfect covid-friendly cardio option you need. So do not underestimate the impact that walking can have on your weight loss journey! It’s free, easy and you don’t need to travel to any gyms. For instance, a 35- year old male weighing 200lbs will burn around 240 calories walking for an hour, whereas an 18-year-old female, weighing 130lbs will burn around 195 calories walking for an hour. The more weight you are carrying, the more calories you will burn as your heart and body will be working harder. The number of calories burned walking will depend on the person, Healthline demonstrates this with a calorie calculator, with the equation being calories burned = BMR x METs/24 x hour.

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This one might come as a surprise to some of you, but you can really shed the pounds just by increasing the amount you walk! Walking is essentially free and easy cardio, and you can burn those calories without even breaking a sweat. This article is going to go through the top ways to reach your desired body. Whether you started in January with a new year’s resolution to get fit or you are starting from scratch. With summer right around the corner, lots of us are starting to think about getting our bodies ready for the summer season.